AchilleΣ PLUS – Eachine – RealAcc


Power Feature pack AchilleΣ Plus for Eachine PRO58


  • Graphical user interface
  • On Screen Display OSD
  • Roll information Bar with Current module temperature, total diversities , Statistics, goggles battery voltage.
  • Lap Timer , Fly with your goggles and record your laps simultaneously.
  • 620 Channels (5325-5945) ready to serve for entire 5.8 band.
  • ULTRA Search , +-4 MHZ auto tune on current frequency, more powerful and more precise with more than 5000 RSSI Reads in fractions of the second
  • Manual search Mhz by Mhz over the band. With single click is jumping over predefine freqs and by holding the up or down button fine tuning over each MHZ.
  • EVENT mode , Searching down all the 5.8 band in 2,5 seconds and keeps in memory only the running channels, then you can browse them one by one.
  • Favorite channels up to 10. You can Save predefine band channel or a custom frequency.
  • Band Scanner Can Scan amazing fast all the band , and by single click UP/Down can Deep scan the Area that been found with the highest RSSI +-20MHZ
  • Find Model , Add a patch Antenna to bottom RX (B) and point to the place that the drone might lost , the Graphic interface + buzzer will guide you
  • Kerveros Mode , its a revolutionary mode that The two receivers on the module are working independently, Receiver A will focus on the primary channel frequency, while receiver B will be wandering around frequencies around the channels, i.e. +/- 1MHz. And the module will choose the best signal for you.
  • Flip screen support.
  • Factory Reset.




AchilleΣ PLUS – Tuning für das Eachine PRO58 Modul

How to upload AchilleΣ Plus on Eachine Pro58


Eachine Pro58 boards seems that is currently using the correct CPU! Revision "X"

AKk is not supported at all don't send emails for AKK